If you haven't installed PyMySQL, head back to the supplementary material to configure your system properly.
We will run some examples on the database we built before, the fellowship_of_the_ring
Our first example will return all the information
of all the heroes that use swords. We will save it under db_swords.py
import pymysql
# Open connection to the database
db = pymysql.connect("localhost","root","mypassword","fellowship_of_the_ring" )
# Start a cursor object using cursor() method
cursor = db.cursor()
# Execute a SQL query using execute() method. This should return all the columns of heroes that use swords.
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM heroes WHERE weapon='Sword';")
# Fetch all the rows using fetchall() method.
data = cursor.fetchall()
print (data)
# disconnect from server
Now we simply run:
$ python3 db_swords.py
((1, 'Frodo', 'Sword', 'Hobbit'), (2, 'Sam', 'Sword', 'Hobbit'))
For our second example, we will get just the names of all the heroes that are of the Hobbit race.
We will save it under db_hobbits.py
import pymysql
# Open connection to the database
db = pymysql.connect("localhost","root","mypassword","fellowship_of_the_ring" )
# Start a cursor object using cursor() method
cursor = db.cursor()
# Execute a SQL query using execute() method. This should return all the columns of heroes that use swords.
cursor.execute("SELECT names FROM heroes WHERE race='Hobbit';")
# Fetch all the rows using fetchall() method.
data = cursor.fetchall()
print (data)
# disconnect from server
Now we simply run:
$ python3 db_hobbits.py
(('Frodo',), ('Sam',))
For our next example we will add a hero to the Fellowship. We will name the file db_boromir.py
import pymysql
# Open database connection. Notice the autocommit. What is it doing there?
db = pymysql.connect("localhost","root","mypassword","fellowship_of_the_ring", autocommit=True)
# Start a cursor object using cursor() method
cursor = db.cursor()
# Create entry
sql = """INSERT INTO heroes (name, weapon, race) VALUES
# Create query to check if all our heroes are in the table
sql_ret = """SELECT * FROM heroes"""
heroes = cursor.fetchall()
print (heroes)
# disconnect from server
Now we simply run:
$ python3 db_boromir.py
((1, 'Frodo', 'Sword', 'Hobbit'), (2, 'Sam', 'Sword', 'Hobbit'), (3, 'Gandalf', 'Staff', 'Istari'),
(4, 'Gimli', 'Axe', 'Dwarf'), (5, 'Legolas', 'Bow', 'Elf'), (7, 'Boromir', 'Sword', 'Man'))